Lucy Burton

1172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what can be done to stop corrupt and bad folks like Lucy Burton and Neil Woodford?

This podcast is all about the Woodford scandal of today. The corruption of the Sunday Telegraph in trading a scoop for dishonest journalism and the scandal that the disgraced fund manager may be back after less than 20 months of not screwing around with other folks’ cash. Why must people like Lucy and Neil be stopped and who will stop Neil? Lucy, I fear, is destined for great things in the corrupt world of the deadwood press.


1172 days ago

Corrupt & twisted Journalism from Lucy Burton as disgraced and bent fund manager Neil Woodford announces comeback with more lies

Lucy Burton of the Sunday Telegraph will this morning be celebrating her scoop of the year. It may win her prizes such is the corruption of modern journalism. In a faustian deal she gets to break the news that disgraced and crooked fund manager Neil Woodford is planning a comeback. In return she publishes a blow off interview in which Woodford paints himself as the victim of what happened, tells blatent lies and those lies go unchallenged. This is not journalism it is revolting PR ands Ms Burton should be drummed out of the industry. She won’t. She will be praised and promoted. And the deadwood press wonders why it is ever less trusted and its reader numbers slide?


1779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the corruption of the deadwood press - Lucy Burton, the Sunday Telegraph and Saga

In today’s podcast I look at Saga (SAGA), Dev Clever (DEV), Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), RM2 (RM2), Falanx (FLX), Yourgene (YGEN) and IQE (IQE).
